Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Electronic Cigarette Review | 5 Factors to Help You Buy Electronic Cigarettes

Understanding the Electronic Cigarette Review Process:

While learning which electronic cigarette to buy is not difficult, it is easy to get side tracked on which factors to consider. The below factors are designed to guide your purchasing decision when you buy your electronic cigarette.

Factor 1 - Starter Kit Price - How Important is it?

While a high starter kit price does not necessarily translate into the best product, you still don't want to find one that is too cheap. Typically, the electronic cigarettes that cost well under $100 are not made with excellent quality. And quality is important after all, because not only should an electronic cigarette be durable for carrying wherever you go, but it should also have the capacity to withstand frequent heating and cooling over a period of years. Thus staying within the $100-$200 range for a starter kit greatly enhances your chances of buying a good quality device. As an aside, make sure the kit comes with a carrying case to conveniently carry batteries and cartridges, and for protection during travel. The electronic cigarette review table at illustrates just how starter kit prices can indicate these products' quality.

Factor 2 - Battery Quality - What You Must Know!

Another important factor to weigh is battery quality. In your research you will find that electronic cigarette reviews frequently praise or complain about battery problems. While battery life and lifetime are common issues with all electronic devices, they are especially important with electronic cigarettes because they are both small and used on a very regular basis. To protect yourself against buying such an inferior product, look for electronic cigarette reviews mentioning companies that recently updated or upgraded their battery. Such companies not only have the best quality batteries, but having made recent improvements, they demonstrate a commitment to customer service too. And of course, make sure the electronic cigarette review contains specific information on the company's money-back guarantee and a warranty policies.

Factor 3 - Replacement Cartridge Price - How do You Tell True Value?

Because most of your money in the long run when you buy electronic cigarettes will be on the replacement cartridges, this is a very important factor to look at. But this may not be as easy as it sounds. Most electronic cigarette companies offer very similar prices on cartridges, but the cartridges themselves may last anywhere from 1 to 5 packs of traditional cigarettes. While these types of statistics are not easily found, each full electronic cigarette review at (linked on the left panel of the homepage) has aper-smoke, replacement cartridge cost breakdown. Use tables like these to determine the best electronic cigarette for your money. Review the other factors and you will have your answer!

Factor 4 - The Non-Factors - What Doesn't Matter:

It is important to realize those things that are not important in your electronic cigarette buy, but that companies will market to you for distraction purposes. At the top of this list is flavor choice. At the outset you should realize that electronic cigarettes will NEVER taste just like real cigarettes, and may require some adjustment. But that's actually a good thing, because they don't smell or leave a dirty taste in your mouth. And you'll notice that every single electronic cigarette company offers more flavors than you'll ever care to try, so just ignore these distractions. Other factors that are equally unimportant are the various colors and custom designs that these companies offer on the product or the LED tip. While some might seem kind of cool, this will hardly matter if the product you're invested in is somehow defective or doesn't work.

Factor 5 Research - An Electronic Cigarette Review Can't Tell You About You!

This simply means you should find a site that describes these factors in an easy to read format for each electronic cigarette review. While such advice might go without saying, anyone who tells you which electronic cigarette to buy - and how to buy it - without also telling you to do your own research is probably scamming you. The truth is, each user of an electronic cigarette reviews his product according to different values. That is of course because each user has needs and wants that are prioritized differently from other folks. Therefore it is only after you have all the relevant information that you can make your individual decision. So good luck, and if you're ever stuck, check out for the latest electronic cigarette review updates.

For more information about electronic cigarettes and to find the best electronic cigarette for you, read FULL Reviews at Acegen, LLC Click here

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